Manhattan water main work is more complicated than typical water line repair or water line replacement work in other areas. In addition Manhattan water main work in many cases calls for a quicker response and completion time than other typical other areas such as Queens, Brooklyn, or the Bronx. Couple that with heavy pedestrian and vehicular traffic, extensive underground utilities, and high density buildings, and you have a situation where the utmost skill and experience are required for water main or house sewer work in Manhattan.
When property owners or their agents need expert NYC water main work performed they routinely depend upon Balkan Sewer and Water Main Service. Balkan offers a complete package that routinely includes:
- Proper DOT and DEP permits secured for each and every water line job.
- Bonding to the fullest amount required by the NYC DOT.
- Most water line replacement installations completed within 24 hours.
- In-house paving and cement crews for next day final restoration, weather permitting.
- A uniform price structure for water line repair or water line replacement work regardless of hour, time, or day.
- The most carefully trained and supervised personnel in the water main industry.
- Long term iron-clad guarantees on replacements backed by a family name in continuous business for over 50 years.
On this particular water line replacement Balkan exceeded the Clients expectations by doing what they normally do, which is to provide a prompt and permanent solution to the water main problem. The job site was set up safely, all underground utilities were carefully exposed, and this NYC water main repair was completed within 24 hours. Final roadway restoration was completed within 36 hours of the start time of the installation. What is extraordinary to others is routine to Balkan.