NYC water main work involves careful paperwork review prior to permits being issued. Careful job-site planning to avoid disruption to traffic patterns and pedestrian safety while work is being performed is also very important when planning a water line replacement. In addition off -hour work limitations are frequently imposed which means even more job site coordination. When a client has a deadline to meet choosing the right water main contractor is very important.

In this case a new store was opening on the 1st floor of an existing residential building. It was imperative that the store open prior to the start of the Holiday shopping season. In addition to the usual construction issues, a new fire sprinkler protection system was required which requires approved paperwork and a series of site inspections. Choosing the correct contractor for a water line replacement for NYC water main work can be a very important decision. Balkan Sewer and Water Main Service was chosen to perform this time sensitive NYC water main installation work.

Balkan performed the water line replacement on work days that were restricted to weekends only. In addition all required NYC DEP inspections were arranged for and passed the without delay. The obstacles that were presented still did not prevent the water main work from finishing ahead of schedule. Having a team of experienced permit expediters and the field personnel to meet any water main job requirement sets Balkan apart from other water main contractors when it comes to NYC water main work.
Not only was the new fire service installed, passed inspection, and signed off, but all sidewalk and roadway restoration was also completed within 24 hours. Balkan is not only your assurance of a water line replacement done well, and performed in timely manner. Balkan is also your assurance of not having any liabilities from an unsafe job site, or potential trip and fall conditions. Every water main job site is left broom clean, with in-house paving and cement crews restoring disturbed areas typically within 24 hours.