Every organization and company has an organizational culture, whether intentionally or not. Some companies may be aimless and without leadership, but nonetheless there will be an organizational culture. The resulting company culture might not be a positive one, or provide the desired results of ownership. Organizational culture is far too important to leave to chance. Without the appropriate wisdom and guidance, it could go astray and result in failure. A successful company usually provides a clear value statement – a clear direction for its workforce. A successful organizational culture will promote teamwork, and be profitable without compromising integrity.
Any successful community has a culture, the same goes for companies that are successful as well. A culture enables a group of people to align their goals, and to work successfully together to meet a positive end result. An organizational culture allows co-workers to have a feeling of belonging, and promotes excellence.

Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organizations. These shared values have a strong influence on the people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act, and perform their jobs.
Needless to say, this is powerful stuff. Any organization or business may have a well thought out strategy, but it will be short-circuited without a team pulling in the same direction, and a clear understanding of company values.
The 7 points of the Balkan Organizational Culture
Joseph L. Balkan Inc. was founded in 1952. After well over 60 in existence the company developed a reputation for honesty and integrity. However, it became vital to clarify and define what promotes those admirable traits as the company expanded. With over 80 Balkan Team Members present day, a clear and concise 7 Points To Success At Balkan became a key to continued success.
1. Be professional, dependable, and courteous at all times. Setting an example of showing up as promised, when promised, and conducting yourself with dignity sets the initial tone for all other interaction.
2. Respect all Team Members and you will be respected as well. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated on any level. It is at the core of “who we are”. All Team Members, no matter their job duties, are appreciated and given respect for the special talents they bring to the Team. In turn, they are expected to treat others in kind.
3. Work safely, drive safely- look out for your Team Members well-being. Balkan has a commitment to safety that is literally award winning. It is a clear priority to never put safety as a secondary concern. For instance, a job will never be rushed at the risk of a Team Members injury. A vital part of team work is all Team Member looking out for each-others safety. Many eyes on a common goal help prevent a potential safety incident.
4. Learn as much as you can from as many people as you can – and make use of it. Balkan seeks industrious, curious, and creative individuals. No matter your job description, be an individual who aggressively looks to expand your base of knowledge – and use it.
5. Communicate promptly and clearly with all of your Team Members. Clear and concise communication it another vital key to team-wide success. Take nothing for granted when it comes to communication. If something seems simple to understand, make it even simpler to understand for your teammate. If you need something, ask for it in a precise and clear way.
6. Act with honesty and integrity at all times. If you do something right, be proud of it. If you do something wrong, own it. Never compromise your honesty or integrity for a short term gain, or to delay the truth coming out. Doing so damages the entire team.
7. Be proud of your work as a Balkan Team Member. You are a vital part of the best house sewer and water main company in NYC. You are held to high standards and meet them on a daily basis – be proud!
Lead your team – don’t lose your team
When a new employee is hired and introduced to a new work environment, there is little chance of success if no clear goals or behavioral boundaries are clearly set in place for them. You might as well drop them in the middle of a forest and expect them to find their way out. Without clear goals, positive outcomes become unlikely. A hit and miss strategy does just that, it hits and misses.
For a positive outcome a leader must lay the groundwork for each team member. That means setting defined boundaries, leading by example, and creating a clear path for each team member to navigate. To achieve common goals, clearly defining an organizational culture with your employees is vital. There are many ways to accomplish this, however defining and creating an organizational culture can be best accomplished when using a concise and easy to understand Value Statement. Once the entire team knows the end goal, and the desired destination, all can work in unison to get there.