Your plumbing system allows you to accomplish everyday routine tasks. This includes daily hygiene, washing clothes and preparing food. Anytime there is a sewer line problem these tasks are hindered. If left untreated, repairs can become more costly. There are a variety of indicators that can determine if a Brooklyn sewer line professional should be called. Some signs to look for when it comes to a sewer line leak are very apparent while others are more subtle. The following, are five signs that you need to call a Brooklyn sewer line professional.

Multiple Drain Clogs
Anytime you experience a drain clog it is important to consider the possibility of a sewer problem. This is especially true when more than one drain is not working properly at the same time – this is not coincidence. If your sinks and showers are draining slowly with no obvious blockage, you should call a professional. You could have a clog in the main sewer line.
Toilet Problems
The toilet is an easy way to spot possible problems. If you notice any odd noises coming from your toilet, such as gurgling, there could be a sewer problem. Most experience slow toilet drainage, in addition to a gurgling sound. Also, whenever there is a clog, water may be redirected to another outlet. For example, when you flush your toilet then notice water coming from the shower or tub. If you live in an older house, tree roots are a possible cause.
Brooklyn Sewer Line Odors
Strange or foul odors should always be taken seriously. If you smell sewage, there is a problem. Walk around your property both indoors and outside to see if you can determine where the smell is coming from. A transient bad smell may be from another property or even something that may be happening elsewhere in the neighborhood. However, lingering sewer odors that seem to be coming from inside your home or your front yard are often an indication of a sewer break. Standing pools of water, or moisture, when there hasn’t been rainfall are a good indicator of a problem.
Lawn Moisture and Elevation
This tends to be a more subtle sign. However, if you notice inconsistent patches of moisture in your lawn, an inspection is needed. Moreover, any uncharacteristic rising or sinking in your lawn could also be a sign. This is usually along the sewer lines.
All the above symptoms should be taken seriously. Never try to fix or repair these situations on your own. There are many products available in stores that claim to remedy sewer line issues. However only a professional can determine the real cause of sewer problems. If you have questions or concerns regarding your Brooklyn sewer lines, contact Balkan Sewer And Water Main today. We not only provide repair service, but also provide pipe detection, sewer camera work, and expert drain cleaning.