Most Brooklyn homeowners do not give much thought to their Brooklyn water main service line. When you turn on the faucet, if water comes out, then there’s no need to worry, right? Well maybe not. It is important to pay attention to some key warning signs. These will be an indication as to the condition of the main water line, and whether it needs to be inspected. If your water main has never been replaced, here are some things to watch for.

Low water pressure.
If you previously had satisfactory pressure and have noticed that it has dropped lately, it could indicate a problem with your main line. There could be a leak or disintegration of the pipe which is leading to an obstruction. Copper pipe electrolysis is increasingly an issue with copper water lines, but does not typically affect water pressure.
But there are multiple causes for an overall drop in pressure in a water main service line. They can include blockages at the point of connection, gates dropping inside a valve, corrosion, or adding plumbing fixtures that overburden the water main. These are not easily detected by a typical homeowner, and usually they require a visit from a licensed plumber. Bearing this in mind, Balkan provides free Brooklyn water main inspections seven days a week.
Rusty water.
If you are getting a rust-colored tinge to your water all of a sudden, it could be from your water main. If it is present in both hot and cold water, and from all faucets, the Brooklyn water main service line is often the source of the problem. Replacement is often needed as the rust will mean you may have a water main that is old and degrading. A licensed plumber can best determine if the condition is from an old Brooklyn water service line, or is from another source. Rusty water can sometimes be caused by City repair work on a fire hydrant. Or City main line repair or replacement work. This type of work can cause rust and sediment to enter into your plumbing system due to the main line being distrupted.
In some cases rust or sediment can be from an old hot water heater, or corroded pipes. But in those two cases the condition would become evident over a period of time, not all of a sudden.
A soggy yard.
Puddling or wet spots that don’t seem to dry up can indicate a leak from your water main line. If the water smells like sewage, it can be a broken sewer line. As trained water main and sewer professionals, Balkan Sewer And Water Main can identify the source of the leak that is causing your soggy ground. Balkan will gladly visit your property, and make a determination, without you being under any obligation to hire them. It is important to determine as soon as possible if you have a water line leak, or a potential issue from a broken waste line.
Neighbors replacing their Brooklyn water main line.
In many of our Brooklyn neighborhoods, the houses were all built about the same time. Typically the main water lines have about the same life expectancy of around 50 years. If you notice some of your neighbors replacing their lines, and their house is about the same age as yours, you might want to consider the possibility that yours is in need of replacement too. Frequently neighbors who replace their Brooklyn water main at the same time can save a substantial amount of money. This is particularly the case when houses are attached, and the lines runs close to each other. This may allow for excavations to be shared during the installation of two water lines. Coordinating Brooklyn water main replacement work before there is a leak can have its many benefits.
If you are worried about your water main, we have the equipment and expertise to do a thorough inspection. We can then give you a recommendation based on what we find. We are a licensed and insured water main specialist that has served your community over 60 years. You can trust that we will give you an honest report, and will do a great job if repair is needed. For more information about water main repair and replacement, or to set up a free and no obligation inspection, contact Balkan Sewer And Water Main today.