When Queens sewer service is required, a sewer contractor should be trusted to perform it in a professional manner. That means paying close attention to the needs of his client. Being professional, and providing cost effective service, should apply whether for a typical Queens sewer problem or for specialty sewer service such as described below. This sewer emergency required working around-the-clock. Joseph L. Balkan Inc. prides itself on not dictating the level of sewer service to its customers, but rather responding to their needs. Balkan tailors the sewer service it provides to the requirements of the situation.
Queens Sewer Service – Proper Job Site Set Up
Before Queens sewer work is even started a sewer contractor must take vital steps to ensure a successful and safe installation. If a sewer contractor starts work unsafely or improperly he will usually finish it the same way.
- Utility companies are notified and carefully mark out the location of their underground facilities.
- NYC DEP sewer records are requested and reviewed for an accurate installation.
- All required permits are secured.
- Areas to be excavated are marked out prior to starting work.
- Proper and safe traffic patterns and pedestrian safety are ensured.
Sawcutting The Roadway To Save Time

Joseph L. Balkan Inc. employs procedures and specialized equipment, such as roadway sawcutting, that set it apart from how another sewer contractor may approach the very same job. By sawcutting the roadway prior to excavating for this Queens sewer replacement a number of things are accomplished:
- Time is saved – the customer appreciates that.
- Noise and dust is kept to a minimum – neighborhood businesses and residents appreciate that.
- There is less damage to the roadway – the NYC DOT appreciates that.
- The sewer crew is relieved of heavy jackhammer work and exposure to traffic is kept to a minimum – our valued employees appreciate that.
24/7 Queens Sewer Service

When a popular restaurant on Bell Boulevard completely loses sewer service time is of the essence, especially when it is the holiday season. Joseph L. Balkan Inc. responded with Queens sewer service performed around-the-clock 24/7, for 60 hours straight until completion. A sewer contractor has to tailor its service to the needs of its clients, especially one in distress. This client suffered virtually no down-time or loss of business during the peak holiday season.
Sewer Contractor Provides Job Site Safety At All Times

A sewer contractor maintaining a safe job site must be a company wide commitment. Balkan employs an all encompassing company commitment to safety:
- Pedestrian safety.
- Vehicular safety.
- Worker safety.
- Trench and excavation safety.
- A formal company safety program.
Highest Quality Sewer Pipe Used

When Queens sewer work is performed, Balkan exclusively uses domestic extra heavy cast iron sewer pipe from the Charlotte pipe factory. This high quality pipe is also utilized by the company throughout Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the Bronx as well. Of all pipe materials approved for use by a New York City sewer contractor, Balkan has found that Charlotte pipe is a superior material. By using domestic extra heavy cast iron pipe Balkan is able to give an unconditional 10 year guarantee on all sewer replacement work.
Around-the-clock Queens sewer service by Balkan includes:
- Importing clean and dry backfill material.
- Certified compaction testing of all excavations as they’re backfilled.
- Same day roadway restoration.
- Same day sidewalk cement repair.
- A broom clean work site ready for pedestrian and vehicular traffic as well.
End Result: A Satisfied Queens Sewer Service Customer
When a sewer contractor dedicates itself to being professional and providing the highest level of service, it is with one goal in mind. That single minded goal is a completely satisfied customer, with as little disruption to the community as possible. In this case the business community of Bayside suffered no loss of business, or unhappy shoppers during the holiday season. Whether for Queens sewer service, or sewer service in any Borough, Balkan provides answers and solutions – not excuses.